Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This To Shall Pass...But With A Crash and Bang (and a FREEBIE!)

First off sorry for the unexpected hiatus in postings! Rebecca and I are on Spring Break - Finally! While Rebecca is off gallivanting in Washington D.C. with her sis, I am home listening to my kitchen be demolished! Yes, my friends, the Hubs and I are remodeling our kitchen - well the nice construction crew is! I am so excited for the finished product, but as of now, all I hear is BANG...CLING...CRASH and occasionally the crew muttering something under their breath (I'm afraid of what that might be!!!).

So now that our house is in complete shambles - our fridge is in what will be the dining room, and the microwave is in the living room, plus no kitchen sink to speak of - I decided to make a quick Spring Inspired Freebie to help me feel a bit more productive!

Click on the picture to download it!

Oh, and the other thing keeping my spirits up - these delicious brownies I made! If you like chocolate and caramel, definitely give them a try. So dangerously yummy! 
Photo courtesy of What's Gaby Cooking

~ Katie


  1. Replies
    1. You are so welcome! I hope your students love it!

      ~ Katie

  2. Good luck with your renovation! And, thanks for the adorable freebie!

    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. You are so very welcome! I'm glad you like the freebie. Thanks for the well wishes on the renovation, let's just say I am ready for this new kitchen (we are adding a dishwasher, yep "Welcome to the 21st century, kitchen!").

      ~ Katie

  3. Those do look dangerously yummy! Good luck with the new kitchen. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. The brownies are a must try! Super easy to make too! And thanks for the well wishes on the renovation. I'm super excited to see it when it is all done!

      ~ Katie

  4. Renovation! Not my idea of fun. But it's always nice after it all complete! Those brownies look yummo!

    First Grade Delight

  5. Whoa, those brownies look delicious and dangerous!!!

    The Daily Alphabet
